Call Diane at: 541-408-4738

Rock On

Rock On

PAST PROJECT Rock On T-Shirt Quilt The Red Hot Chili Peppers T-shirt was cut up for the sake of teenage fashion. I was able to use the logo part of this shirt by attaching it to a piece of fabric the right size to fit into the row.  A little extra step I take to make...
Graduation Gift

Graduation Gift

PAST PROJECT Graduation Gift T-Shirt Quilt “I came to Diane with 2 bags of T-shirts that I had saved of my son’s from his 3 year-old preschool t-shirt to his high school sports and interests.  I wanted a T-shirt Quilt for his High School Graduation gift.  Diane...
Happy Customer

Happy Customer

PAST PROJECT A Happy Customer’s Quilt This woman no longer sews, and asked me to finish her quilt for her. She’s very happy with it! A Few More Past Projects Grandmother’s Unfinished Quilt Unfinished Project Quilts State Birds and Flowers Unfinished...
Work Shirts

Work Shirts

PAST PROJECT Work Shirts Quilt I made these four quilts for a woman whose husband had passed away at a young age. The larger quilt made with squares was for her, and the other three were for his mom, dad, and sister. The small pieces in the center of the square blocks...
Defend the Wild

Defend the Wild

PAST PROJECT Defend the Wild T-Shirt Quilt “Every time I moved I told myself I should get rid of my pile of old t-shirts, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it – they had so much sentimental value! I am so glad I kept them because you have made a...