Call Diane at: 541-408-4738



While most memory quilts are created as a collaboration with my client’s vision, sometimes I get the honor of collaboration in the quilting process, too!

By the time this client reached out to me, she had cut many of these t-shirts, which she hoped to make into memory quilts for each of her two sons. Realizing she was a bit over her head, she contacted me, and we were able to take the inspiration she began with and finish two t-shirt quilts!

The shirts are collections she saved from important events in each of her sons’ lives, building keepsake quilts unique to them that reflect their personalities and will allow them to revisit family memories together.

It brings me great joy to hear that the finished product was very emotionally moving to my client, who appreciates the way that these quilts can serve as gathering places for people and memories in the future, perhaps guiding the spiritual presence of loved ones who have passed into the room with the family members as they reflect on the quilted memories.

